Banks Building
AKA Elgin Tower |
The Home
National Bank opened a 15-story "skyscraper", in May of 1929. The name
would eventually be changed to The Tower Building on Fountain Square. Its
height, at 186 feet, would surpass the watch factory tower, which was at 143
By the late
1920s, the style of architecture was changing away from the decorative
"noodles" of the past, and began to take on a more modern, simplistic
style. While the goal of the Elgin Tower was to take on the look of the day, the
goal was not to make it too deco for the conservative Elginites. The building is
streamlined, but with curves, so as to appease to both new and old alike.
With a lofty
price tag of about $800,000, the Home Savings Bank Building would go into receivership in January of 1932. It would be another fatality
of The Great Depression. Click
here to learn more about Elgin Tower
Note: W. C. Fields once said, "It was a woman who drove me to
drink! And I never even had the decency to thank her!" I
roamed into Keeny's Sporting Good in downtown Elgin one day hoping to buy
an Elgin Watch. Pat Keeny told me that she didn't have any, but she showed
me this postcard. I bought it and have been collecting Elgin postcards
ever since. While I did thank Pat, there is an irony in all of this: Pat
doesn't own a computer. She has never even seen this site!" JPM