The Elgin Academy |
By 1838, The
citizens of Elgin were turning their eyes toward higher education. The Elgin
Academy had been chartered by the State of Illinois, but there was no money left
over to begin instruction. Another college was planned by the Free Will Baptists
in 1848, but those plans were shelved. That site was purchased in 1855 under the
guidance of Dr. Joseph Tefft. On December 1, 1856 the school opened their doors
to students, under the direction of Robert Blenkiron, a Christ College
(Cambridge, Mass) graduate.
The Elgin
Academy was unique among private schools at the time for its welcoming of students
from all denominations. Since there was no electricity, scholars studied by
candlelight at night.
the original building of Elgin Academy, 'Old Main,' houses the Elgin Area
Historical Society. More information is available
about the society at The Elgin Area
Historic Society and Museum Web Page. The
Society operates a museum open to the public. According
to Dr. John Cooper, (Head of School, Elgin Academy), Elgin Academy, in
continuous operation since 1839, occupies the surrounding campus and currently
serves over 400 students from preschool through 12th grade.