Elgin, Oregon |
the farthest Elgin in the continental United States from Elgin, Illinois is
Elgin, Oregon. Also known as "The Jewel of the Blue Mountain", Elgin,
Oregon was founded by William Hamilton in 1885, who also served as the first
postmaster. Hamilton named the city after a popular song "Lost on the Lady
Elgin" that his nephew and niece frequently sang. Among its other historic
treasures, Elgin, Oregon still boasts its Opera House, which was founded in
1912. The Opera House, which once featured plush draperies, box seats, an
orchestra pit, elaborate backdrops and a rococo décor, now shows first run
movies daily.
a population of 1750 residents, Elgin, Oregon is a popular location for such
outdoor sports as fishing in Looking Glass Fish Hatchery, hiking along Historic
Oregon Trail, or skiing at Spout Springs Ski Resort.
information can be found about Elgin, Oregon at:
