Judge Botsford's
Residence |
text below was provided by local Elgin Historian and Author Steve Stroud:
This house, which once stood at 111
North Channing Street , was owned by Richard N. Botsford, who was
elected as a county judge in Elgin in 1861, a position he served at for 21
years. His son, Carl Botsford, would later serve as Mayor of Elgin. The
house (shown above) was the back yard of his estate. There was a five-story
tower on the front of the building. The house, built in the Italianate style,
was built in 1871 and the cost was $10,000. (in modern terms, that would be
close to 1 million). It was torn down in 1958 to make room for the Channing
Street YMCA after the Y decided not to build on Highland Avenue.
