Upper Lake,
Lord's Park |
pavilion would be built in 1896, but was rebuilt in 1898 when the original one burnt down. Two
lagoons and a band stand would be added in 1908. The park also featured a zoo,
complete with bears, monkeys and other animals. The petting zoo is still a
prominent attraction at Lord's park and is the
home for many animals, including several buffalo.
Note: The publisher of this postcard referred to Lord's Park as having an
Upper and Lower Lake. However, Sara Sabo, a long-time Elgin Resident,
maintains that they were referred to as lagoons. This is confirmed in the
writings of E. C. Alft when he says, "By the end of the century, Lord's
Park had been improved by two lagoons..."Thanks to Ms. Sabo for her
Elgin Today |