St. John Evangelical
Lutheran Church |
the direction of Rev. H. Wunder and J. A. Mueller, St. John Evangelical Lutheran
Church began services on July 4, 1859. Within six months, a small frame church
was purchased for $550 at the corner of Spring and Division Streets.
Martin Luther, himself, would have been proud of the
congregation. During the church’s first 8 years, factions of the flock
struggled to change the name to "St. John’s United Evangelical
Church" or "St. John’s Protestant Church". However, under the
leadership of Prof. W. Buehler, calm would be restored by 1867.
By 1910, the church outgrew its humble roots and began
to look for more suitable surroundings. The photo shown above represents the
church upon its completion on May 12, 1912. The church featured a Weickhart pipe
organ, with pipes ranging from the size of a thimble to the largest being four
feet across and twenty feet high.
The church was remodeled in 1931 and again in 1949. It
included seating for 1,000, but frequently that had to be augmented with folding
