Grove Avenue at
Night |
shown here, Elgin was a vibrant city, both by night and day. One of the
merchants who took definite steps to readdress that was Theo J. Swan. His
department store closed during the evenings, so employees could spend time with
their families.
predominantly in the upper right hand corner of this postcard is The
Metropolitan Business College. Since Elgin was a prosperous city, jobs
were readily available for people with business skills. The Elgin Business
College, established by William A. Drew, opened its doors in 1885 to provide
people with necessary, employable skills. Shortly after that, the rival
Metropolitan Business College of Chicago opened a branch on Grove
interesting aside, the principal of The Metropolitan Business College of Chicago
had some very harsh words for the people of the day who smoked cigarettes:
average employer is very much disinclined to employ a person who is addicted to
the habit (of tobacco use); in fact, there are several prominent concerns here
that will not employ cigarette smokers."