Highland and
Larkin Avenues |
Elgin is a
highly concentrated series of streets with none of them running in a
straight line for very long. The city is surrounded by forest preserves on
the east, north and west and undeveloped land on the south (although South Elgin
is a city of some 45,000 people).
While the
streetcars are long gone, this corner is still there. On the land that
makes up the split are two gray houses that are mirror-identical versions of one
another. To see what Highland Ave. looks like today, Press
This area
must have been a favorite for postcard photographers. In addition to this
image, I recently came across another view of this same corner, but with snow on
the ground. To see that view, Press
postcards is slightly like having children - none of them are your favorite, but
this card holds a special place in my heart. It reminds me of the
2001-2002 school year. Every day, I would travel from Gifford Street High
School, on the east side of the river, to Larkin High School, on the west side
of the river, to teach at The Visual and Performing Arts Academy. Just
like none of your kids are your favorites, none of your students are your
favorite either, but those goofy, spunky, creative, wonderful Academy kids will
always have a place in my heart!
see an Arial View of the intersection of Highland and Villa, Press