Schools & Churches
Elgin Academy
Elgin High School
Franklin School
1st. Congregationalist Church
St. Mary's Church
St. John Ev. Lutheran Church
Ev. Lutheran Church of Holy Spirit
Methodist Church
 Episcopal Church
Grant School
Borden Library
City Hall
Cook Publishing
Brethren Publishing 
Dunham's Castle
Elk's Club
Ill. State Armory 
Home Bank Building
Professional Building
Post Office
Sears Academy
Selz Shoe Factory
Masonic Temple
H. Kind 
Hubbard Block
Cromwell Shoes
Judge Botsford's Residence
Fire Barn # 1
Fire Barn # 5
Elgin Eagle Beer
Sherman Hospital
Resthaven Sanitarium
St. Joseph's Hospital
Larkin Children's Hospital
Elgin State Hospital Annex
Old People's Home
Grove Ave.
Grove Ave 
at Nite.
North on Grove
Douglas Ave.
Chicago Street
Villa Street
Highland & Larkin Avenues
Modern Elgin
Grove Ave. (Mod)
Aerial View
Elgin Skyline
Greetings From Elgin
Greetings From Elgin (1975)

Bridge Over Tyler Creek

When George Tyler took on the piece of land on the west bank of the Fox River, his original intention was to build a sawmill. The Tylers, being one of the first Catholic families in the area, planned to use the mill to help other Catholic families build their houses, and eventually build a church in nearby Rutland Township. The river was the perfect source of power for the mill, while the creek, which ran through the property, provided an ample water supply for the horses and farm animals.

By 1925, the area was called Big Timber and served as a Boy Scout Camp. Part of the reason that the camp was so popular was the creek. It served as place for the boy scouts to swim, hunt for frogs and crabs and for other boyhood entertainment, such as walking barefoot and squishing mud to between their toes.

Long after the Tyler family disappeared, the Todd’s bought part of the land and ran the farm. Daniel Todd, an Elgin industrialist and a grandson of the Todd family built a beautiful house on the property. After his death, the land would be sold to Judson College, where they would build a part of their beautiful Elgin Campus.

Over the years, a number of conservation groups would step up to maintain Tyler Creek. The Openland Project, a Chicago nonprofit group, spoke strongly in the defense of Tyler Creek in 1996, calling it "…a watershed at the crossroads", a "…high-quality stream" and "…well worthy of protection". Other groups, like "Friends of Tyler Creek" and others have also been strong supporters of this natural treasure.



Fox River
Chgo St Bridge
Chgo Bridge at night
Kimball  Bridge
Walton Island
Pumping Station
Elgin Nat'l 
Watch Co.
West & Front Wing
Noon at Factory
The Main Entrance
National House
Elgin Watchmakers College
Il. Watch 
Case Factory
Eppenstein's Home
N. Y. World's Fair
My Elgin's All Right
Gifford Park
Veteran Monument
Lord's Park
Scenic View
Upper Lake
Band Stand
Audubon Museum
Pavilion At Night
Pavilion in Wintertime
Bear Pit
Trout Park
Trout Park  Amusement Park
Sulfur  Springs
(Wing Park)
Wing Park
Swimming Pool
Band Concert
(Wing Park)
Weldwood Country Club
Central Park
Bridge over Tyler Creek
Windmill on Aurora Elgin RR
Kelley Hotel
Hotel Fosgate
Fox Hotel
Dairy Cows
Other Elgins
Elgin, Texas
Elgin, Minnesota
Elgin Oregon
Elgin, Arizona