Gifford's Park |
called the Public Square, James T. Gifford, founder of Elgin, set this land
aside to be used as the city's first park. Over the years, the park would
see many updates and improvements, including an intricate flower bed in the
1880's and a band stand in 1887.
When Elgin
High School was built across the street in 1883, Gifford Park took on a new
moniker of "High School Park". It served as a meeting place for
the likes of school boys and snow ball fights.
By 1979, the
park was in need of repair. A group of property owners grouped together to
take on the task. Their efforts were so successful that they organized as
The Gifford Park Association. Today their efforts involve the restoration
of homes in Elgin. More information is available about the association on The
Gifford Park Association Web Site