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Here to E-Mail
I love answering e-mails. It is truly
the best part of my day when someone who had warm memories of Elgin, or old
river cities or pocket watches or postcards finds my site and is kind enough to
write me. As I state on the front page, I will answer each e-mail
personally, however, I certainly don't know everything. Below are some of
the most popular questions:
- How can I determine how old my Elgin watch
On the INSIDE of the watch, where the
gears are, there is a serial number (make sure you see the words
"Elgin National Watch" or some facsimile thereof). Copy
that number down and go to Wayne
Schlitt's Online Elgin Database. You can not only find out how old
your watch is, but you can practically find out what
the watch make had for lunch that day!
- Someone told me my pocket watch is a
16S. What does that mean?
I found a pretty nifty chart on that
explains how pocket watches are sized. Click
here to go to it.
- How can I find out how much my Elgin Watch is
Elgin watches are an American
legacy. They were made in a factory 10 miles from my house
(albeit that factory is gone!). The trouble with being the biggest
(they made 50 million of them), is that they are not in short supply. The best
way to determine a value is to find a similar watch on Ebay
- Where is a good place to have my Elgin
Watches fixed/repaired?
I have had watches fixed all over the
place, but I like Shockey's best. They are in Downtown Elgin (in the
shadow of Elgin Tower) and the man who
fixes their watches used to work for the Elgin National Watch company.
Neither of those things would make me recommend them. They are the
most reasonably priced repair service I have dealt with and have done a good
- Where did you get all of those old
postcards from?
That question is easy:
Ebay! While some of them came from postcard shows, the overwhelming
majority came from e-bay. I would tell you my E-Bay screen name, but
you may start bidding against me :-)
- Where else can I find information about
Elgin, Illinois?
Try these links:
Elgin Area Historical Society
The Gail Borden Library
The Gifford Park
These people have forgot more
about Elgin that I will ever know!
- How do I contact The David Cook Publishing
(This is a BIG one)
Communications Ministries
4050 Lee Vance View
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
(800) 708-5550 or (719) 536-0100
Their web site is: www.cookministries.com
The next question has several
variations. Here are some: "How much is my Seybold Piano
worth?", or "How can I contact Mary Smith, she wrote a poem that
was published by D. C. Cook Publishing" or "Why did Walgreen's go
out of business?".
I wish I had the answers for half of those
questions, but like I say sometimes, "I am a high school teacher with a
web site". You would be surprised how much of the background
information I got for this web site by simply going to Google.com
and typing in "Seybold Piano" or "F. W. Woolworth" into
the search window. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but "do
your own research". Sometimes, someone asks me something and I
start wondering myself. I spend 2 hours trying to find out what F. W.
in F. W. Woodworth stood for (Frank Winfield, by the way), but I learned
that on the internet. I recommend you learn to use that tool, it can
bring the world to your fingertips.
I didn't answer your question up there, or if you just want to comment on my
site, I would love to hear from
you. As I said before, I will answer each e-mail I get personally, usually
within 24 hours, if only to tell you I don't have the answer.
Thanks for being there!
All the Best,

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